Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bandwagons? Sure! I'll hop right on that!!

A friend of mine also has a blog. Though I don't know this lovely lady nearly as well as I'd like to, I certainly know her well enough to know, she knows a good thing when she sees it. See, she's from my 'neck of the woods' so to speak, and we seem to be on the same tack 90% of the time. She has been (trying) to do 'Seven Things You Probably Don't Know About Me'. I'm going to follow in her footsteps. Or...blogsteps? Either way, you get posts from me.

I'm going to post this first one (even though I 100% said I wouldn't) JUST for my 'wifey'. See, my best best friend and the only female besides my sister that I've ever lived with for more than just a few months, she hates something about me. She can't stand it. This woman would walk out on me if I did it. See, when I read (an actual book, not an e-book), I have a terrible habit. I flip the pages. It's strange, and hard to describe without showing you. I literally cannot read a paper book without doing this in some form. It doesn't matter if it's a magazine, novel, textbook, any type of book will do. If I'm reading, I do this. It's not even a conscious decision. I just do it. I have even tried to not do it. My parents hated it, too. I've sat on my hands to try and keep from doing it, but only end up reading the same few sentences over and over again. I have no idea when or why this started. I think maybe my love of books caused me to start it. I love the different feels of different types of paper. I could sit in a library all day, and simply feel the books. From the way they fit in my hands, to the material their covers are made from, to the type of paper it's pages are made of, I love books. In fact, I love them so much that I can literally get lost in them. I've had people stand 5 feet from me and call my name repeatedly, and the thing is, I'm not ignoring them, I don't hear them. I'm literally thousands of miles, and sometimes hundreds of years away. I cry when I read sad parts. Especially if its part of a series and I've become attached to the characters. I can talk about some characters like they're real people. (This, we'll get more into on another post in the series.) Books are one of my passions, and for reasons unknown to even me, I 'scrape' the pages of them when I read. Fact 1 that you may not have known about me.

Niaka Beth