Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh, You Didn't Know?

Following in the Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me trend, tonight I'm going to talk about my insane attachment to my family. I LOVE my family. I HATE being a military spouse only because I can't pack my family and bring them with me on this journey. It breaks my hear that my daughter isn't getting spoiled like I did by my grandparents. She'd already be staying the night with them by now.

I am a Mama's Girl. My mother is one of my best friends, because I can tell her pretty much anything. She gives the best advice ever. When I'm sick, NO ONE makes me feel better other than my Mommy. When I'm sick, she's the only one I want. I hope I'm half the mother to my kids that she's been to us.

I am a Daddy's Girl. My Daddy makes me feel so safe. Daddy takes care of everything. I remember being really little and being afraid of monsters. He made me a monster spray and sprayed anywhere I thought monsters might be to kill them. He gives the BEST hugs.

My sister is my best friend. We are complete dorks when we are together. She is hilarious and fun to hang out with. We also have the worst fights. I don't think I've fought so hard with anyone as I have with her. I don't think I could stay sane most of the time if I didn't have her to talk to.

My brothers are...well...brothers. We love and fight. They're protective and annoying.

Why am I telling you about my family? These are suppose to be about me, right? Well, my family is a part of me. Maybe the most important part. They are where I come from, what made me who I am. Without them, I wouldn't be the woman I am today. I am truly blessed by my family.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Seven Little Things

So, I haven't written in a little while, and I realize I've left you guys hanging. Not that I have many followers, but hey. We were on a bandwagon right? Seven things you may not know about me. Off the list I was given of some things about me was how I get SUPER emotional about the smallest things. We're going to explore this a bit tonight.

When I'm passionate about something, I'm passionate. Whether it's about cars, books, whatever, I lose my mind sometimes. When I read a series, I get really drawn in to the point that I feel like I know those characters intimately. So, I get just as excited talking about them and their adventures as I do my own family sometimes. I love cars. Cars are an amazing thing to me. Especially muscle cars. My god, the lines, the curves, the power! Everything about them makes me happy and I could live at a car show.

Some people find this trait of we say annoying? That's fine. I don't mind that. Heck, I annoy myself sometimes, so it's only natural I'd annoy others. But you have to understand, when I let that little 'squee' of joy out, maybe hop around in excitement, or just start talking insanely fast, it's because it's something IMPORTANT to me.

I also get this way when I just do not get something. I don't understand sometimes how people can be thick headed or how they can do mean and evil things. Yes, I get JUST as passionate about those things as others.

I cannot describe it myself, and it truly will take seeing it for yourself to fully understand. But, no matter what, remember that it's a part of who I am and something I really can't control about myself.

And a side note, I had NO idea how hard this was going to be...Not only to find the time to write these seven things, but also to come up with them and actually talk about me. I know, right? This girl? Unable to talk about herself? Mrs. Blabbermouth? Yeah, it's much harder than I ever thought it would be to actually write about ONE thing at a time about myself. Feedback is welcome as always.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bandwagons? Sure! I'll hop right on that!!

A friend of mine also has a blog. Though I don't know this lovely lady nearly as well as I'd like to, I certainly know her well enough to know, she knows a good thing when she sees it. See, she's from my 'neck of the woods' so to speak, and we seem to be on the same tack 90% of the time. She has been (trying) to do 'Seven Things You Probably Don't Know About Me'. I'm going to follow in her footsteps. Or...blogsteps? Either way, you get posts from me.

I'm going to post this first one (even though I 100% said I wouldn't) JUST for my 'wifey'. See, my best best friend and the only female besides my sister that I've ever lived with for more than just a few months, she hates something about me. She can't stand it. This woman would walk out on me if I did it. See, when I read (an actual book, not an e-book), I have a terrible habit. I flip the pages. It's strange, and hard to describe without showing you. I literally cannot read a paper book without doing this in some form. It doesn't matter if it's a magazine, novel, textbook, any type of book will do. If I'm reading, I do this. It's not even a conscious decision. I just do it. I have even tried to not do it. My parents hated it, too. I've sat on my hands to try and keep from doing it, but only end up reading the same few sentences over and over again. I have no idea when or why this started. I think maybe my love of books caused me to start it. I love the different feels of different types of paper. I could sit in a library all day, and simply feel the books. From the way they fit in my hands, to the material their covers are made from, to the type of paper it's pages are made of, I love books. In fact, I love them so much that I can literally get lost in them. I've had people stand 5 feet from me and call my name repeatedly, and the thing is, I'm not ignoring them, I don't hear them. I'm literally thousands of miles, and sometimes hundreds of years away. I cry when I read sad parts. Especially if its part of a series and I've become attached to the characters. I can talk about some characters like they're real people. (This, we'll get more into on another post in the series.) Books are one of my passions, and for reasons unknown to even me, I 'scrape' the pages of them when I read. Fact 1 that you may not have known about me.

Niaka Beth

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cannery Row

So, as some of you know, I recently went back to work. I'm back in part time retail. Not the most invigorating job in the world. But, I get to work in a very 'historic' place, with all sorts of fun tourist crap. Yes, crap. Mirror mazes, chocolate shops, restaurants, souvenir shops galore, and our little store. I'm not going into detail as to what my store is here. Don't need stalkers.

I've opened the store several mornings, meaning I get there around 9:45 or 10 am. It's really interesting to be on Cannery Row at that time of morning. All  of the stores are opening up, and deliveries being made. It's quiet, and cool. It's a very interesting feeling to get to feel that place wake up. I've been there at all times of the day. Midday, walking around, shopping and enjoying the day, night time, enjoying the nightlife offered, and now early morning. 

I'm not trying to wax poetic here, but I think that the morning is my favorite. There's just an amazing feeling of 'being a part of it' when you're there, seeing Cannery Row wake up. I can't really describe it. I just think it's amazing. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Hero

I promised a while back that I would eventually write about the greatest man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. This is a man I plan on naming my son after (if I ever get a son that is). This is a man who was always taking care of everyone else. This was my great grandfather.

I won't talk long (I hope). Some of you have heard a lot of this already. I talk about him a lot. My great grandfather, PawPaw to me, was born in 1926. He served in WWII. He came home and served on the local police force for 31 years. The earliest memories I have of him, are him getting ready for work. At that time, it was mostly him going to sit in the Burger King parking lot. I guess he was watching for speeders and waiting on calls. I remember riding around in his cruiser, going with him to direct traffic when one of the local elementary schools let out.

This man - he went above and beyond the role of grandfather. My mom's sperm donor skipped out on them when they were really young. I don't know the full story there, and I don't think I really need to. I know he left, and for a long time, didn't look back. My PawPaw stepped in and filled that void for them. He took care of them. That's why they call HIM Daddy.

Then I came into the world. I was his first great grandchild. He never stopped giving. He did so much for us as kids. From bringing all our favorite junk food and milk and drinks and anything our hearts desired to the house at least once a week, to taking one of the cars to the square for the Christmas Parade. He'd load that car down with snacks, drinks, and blankets. Then he'd come pick us up, drive back to town, and we'd walk from the car he'd picked us up in, to the car with the amazing view of the parade. Little things like that, to a kid, are huge. I remember when he got too sick to do that for us anymore and it broke my heart. Not because I was missing the parade (though that was part of it), but because Pawpaw wasn't there with us, even when we did get to see it. He didn't get to see me march with the band my senior year of high school.

When I started driving and went off to college, he always asked me (about 20 times in an hour) if I had gas in the car, when the last time the oil had been changed, and if I had air in the tires. Man, did it drive me crazy. Almost as much as when driving by a field of cotton, he'd tsk and say "Man, I wish you'd look at ALL that COTTON." I'd give anything to hear him say it now.

I spent most weekends that my parents let me, at their house. I stayed the night with them, stayed up late, watched t.v. and ate junk food. I'd rather go to their hour than to my friends' houses most of the time. I was spoiled.

He passed two days after my 20th birthday. I had an inkling when my dad called me that morning to ask me to come to his house. I was so selfish and self absorbed at the time, and I didn't want to. I didn't have enough gas to make it to work and back til pay day, unless my roommate came in with great tips during the week, and I couldn't figure out why he wanted me to come down so badly. Then, something in his voice go through to me. I'll never forget that day. I'll never forget hearing him on the phone with my mom telling her he loved her and that he was going to talk to me. I knew what he was going to say when he pulled me into the bear hugs only my dad can give. Knowing didn't make it hurt any less, though. That was almost six years ago. I'll be 26 in a month. Everyone always says time heals. That's not true. It hurts me just as much today, as it did then. I'll never get 'over' his loss. I can deal with it better now. I can't wait to tell my little girl about him. I can't wait until she's old enough to understand what an amazing man he was.

I've been thinking about him more than usual lately. Part of that is the fact that the anniversary is coming up. The other part is the beautiful song Miranda Lambert has out right now "Over You". The story behind the song is that her husband (Blake Shelton) lost his brother at a young age and wrote the song about him. He couldn't record it, but let her. Every time I hear it, I think of him again.

But you went away,
How dare you?
I miss you. 
They say I'll be okay,
But I'm not going to ever get over you." - Over You by Miranda Lambert. 

I guess I rambled a little more than I'd anticipated. If you stuck it out, and read the whole thing, thank you. This was more for me than for you. Sometimes, I just need to read about him. Or write about him.  Thanks for being my sounding board guys.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dreams Do Come True

I'm only going to say a few things about this, then I'm moving on to the real topic. I am SO happy right now!! My husband loves me more than words can say. We were originally waiting to get my new truck until he got his re-enlistment bonus. However, the Jeep (suv) I was driving, had so many issues, and though it was in good shape, could have broken down any moment, and we'd have been out a vehicle. We went to have the oil changed in his car this past weekend and went to look at the trucks in the meantime. We happened to find the perfect truck, they got our payments where they needed to be, and we came home with it. It's a truck I've wanted most of my adult life, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Now, to the real subject. I HATE California drivers. With a passion. I was taught (and recall from when I got my license), that when merging onto the highway/interstate/freeway, you yield to those already ON said highway. Apparently in California, those on the highway already are suppose to yield to those merging. Why do I say this you ask? Well, our FIRST DAY in California, the entire way down to our post, (we came down during high traffic time) each time there was an on ramp, rather than letting one car in, go, one car in, go, those merging tried to squeeze 3-5 cars in front of ONE person. That's not how it works people. It's just NOT. And, it's been that way several other times, during less traffic times too. Yesterday however, driving to the beach with my angel girl and her uncle, I was on the freeway/highway, driving along, minding the speed limit and what not. Well, at one of the entrance ramps, rather than speed up and get in front of me, or slow down and get behind me, some JERK in a Prius (my new truck would eat that for breakfast and still be hungry), stayed right beside me, expecting me to yield to him. When I didn't, he laid on the horn obnoxiously. SO, I did what any gal would do. I flipped him off through the back glass of the truck. He flipped me off back as well, and blew past me as if I were the one in the wrong. What gives folks? Just because your 40-50 years old, doesn't mean that you get to drive any way you want. You still have to obey the rules of the road. And you're not going to be a jerk and lay on your horn at me, when I wasn't in the wrong, SIR. Things like this are why I hate this state. Absolutely NO common sense or common courtesy exist here.

So, lesson of the day? When driving, be sure to obey the rules of the road. Why? Because I won't move for you when I have the right of way. Nope. Not gonna. And if you hit me, because you were so full of self importance and think everyone should yield to you, I'm gonna sue your freaking pants off. And in my truck, your car is gonna be the one with the most damage. Jerk.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Beating the Odds

Okay, something everyone may not know about me. I'm a sucker for people who beat the odds. I'm a huuuuuuuge softie. I'll tell you why. I've had a few family members who were given some very bad news.

I'll start with my Uncle. While I don't have very many remembrances of him, I can't recall a time I ever saw him without a smile on his face. He was diagnosed with leukemia and mental retardation at a young age. He never really had a mental capacity past that of a three year old. He passed away when I was 5. He was 13. It was the first funeral I can remember going to.

I also had a cousin, who I wasn't close to, and didn't see often, but he too, was always a happy person. Brian had cerebral palsy. He passed when he was 18. This is again, someone I cannot recall ever seeing without a smile on his face.

Now - why am I telling you all this? I'll explain. I've met a wonderful young lady out here in California. Her name is Alecia. I'm simply going to copy and paste her story for you.

Alecia was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Also known as SMA. Her parents were told her diagnosis when she was 13 months. Alecia's mother began noticing signs when she was unable to lift her head or showing signs of normal physical child development. At the time that they were given her diagnosis, they were also given the devastating news that Alecia's life expectancy would most likely not surpass 3 years of age. At that time they also said that she would carry no expression like smile or laugh. Her parents refused to agree with this so they resorted to their faith in God. So needless to say here she at the age of 25 married and living life maintaining the SMILES and LAUGHTER that each day brings.
SMA is a genetic disease characterized by progressive degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord. The disorder causes weakness and wasting of the voluntary muscles. This weakness is also more severe in the legs than in the arms. In addition, it causes severe scoliosis of the spine. Which is seen in Alecia's case.
At the age of 19 Alecia was blessed to meet and fall in Love with her husband. In her words "Ive never thought marriage would be a part of my life. Having this disease makes life a little more challenging than the normal, but having a companion / life partner / husband / friend wiling to face those challenges with me opened my eyes to see that there is more to life than my disease has promised I cant have :)".
Alecia's husband being a Marine in the United States Military means they travel A LOT and flying is almost not an option. Currently they use a 2 door hatchback where Alecia's husband manually lifts her chair and puts it in the trunk, mind you the wheelchair is 5x her weight. Alecia lays down in the front seat which makes it impossible to see anywhere they are driving. Also making it at times very uncomfortable.

Now, I can tell you a few things I know about Alecia. She has one of the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen, she's so loving, and kind. And, she's beaten the odds already. I'm telling you this, because I have a favor to ask. Alecia and her husband are trying desperately to get a handicap van. They've started fundraising and entered contests. I want to get the word out and help this BEAUTIFUL person get everything she deserves. If you can help in anyway, you can always contact me directly (, you can vote for her in the contest I'll post in a moment, and you can always pray. 

Help this lady get what she deserves, and vote for her!! Please?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beware of Dog

So, to update, I finally got to talk to my doctor about my surgery. He came and spoke to me while I was still waking up, and had no idea what he said. What he'd said was this: there were NO signs of endometriosis, my tubes are clear, and all is well. There were a few cysts on my ovaries, which like he said, can be normal. He lanced them anyway, though. He did find scar tissue near my appendix and small intestine, which he took care of. Now, just to finish recovering from the surgery itself, and when we are ready to have more children, there will be no problems!

On to other things. On a discussion board for pets out here, a lady was complaining because another lady with an aggressive dog was monopolizing the dog park. That's a no no anyway. However, something got brought up on the subject of if x dog bites enough times, most counties will put that animal down. Now, here's where I have an issue with that. Even if your dog isn't in the wrong (say, kids come into your back yard - that's his territory, and he has every right to defend it), it is still a mark against him. If a kid runs up to a dog to pet it, and he bites, still your dog's fault. If the kids come rushing into the dog park, and get bitten, still the dog's fault.

Here's my issue with that. I was taught my whole life how to greet dogs I don't know. I was taught you ask to pet the dog, while standing a respectful distance from said dog. You let the dog smell you first, then you move slowly, and can pet the dog. You don't go into other people's yards without permission period. You don't go in the dog park, because dogs aren't allowed on your playground. That's their playground, not yours. WTF? When did this lack of respect start happening?? Or am I just Southern and old fashioned?

I will not hesitate to go off on a kid for doing wrong. I don't care if they are my child or not. Open my back gate to get your ball instead of knocking on my front door and asking to get it? I will yell at you! Then I'll tell you why I yelled. Come up to my dog and try to pet him without asking? I will reprimand you. Then I'll make you greet him properly. Come running into the dog park? I will stop you, explain why you can't, and tell you if your parent comes and tells me it's okay, you can come play with the doggies. I will not have my beloved family pet put down because your parents are too dumb or socially impaired to teach you basic manners and respect.

Now, since I know most of my audience isn't the age group in the wrong, it's the parents that don't teach the correct behavior to begin with, nor do they correct it when they see it happen, I have some words for you. Your kid gets bit by my dog, I dare you to 'sue' me or press charges. Because then, we'll have real issues, friend. You want to get mad at me for 'parenting' your child? Do it yourself! I shouldn't have to! You as their parent should care enough about their safety to teach them the proper way to greet and interact with strange animals. If they get hurt because you didn't teach them that, that is not my fault, not my dog's fault, but yours!! Do not try and punish me and mine for your mistakes!!

Now, I know there are cases where dogs attack without any reason. I've been in that situation myself. A dog that lived down the street, always barked at us when we were on our bikes. He never left 'his' area though. Til the day he bit me. He left his yard, chased me, and got my leg. We also had neighbors with aggressive rotts that weren't kept on leashes. One of them attacked my dog who was on a lead outside, in the middle of the night. Came down the street to attack my dog... Of course, there are instances like those, where the dog should be punished. Don't confuse my words. But if the dog is not at fault, it's wrong to put 'marks' on his record that can cause him to be put down...

Bottom line? Teach your kids (and yourself) how to act around dogs you don't know. Be aware and be safe.

Friday, March 30, 2012


So, to update, the surgery went well. I'm recovering quite well. I'm still not sure of what the results were, as my doctor came and spoke to me while I was still very very loopy. Two really small incisions are the only evidence of the surgery. I'm feeling much better.

Upon arriving they had me strip down to my gown, and began trying to run my IV. For whatever reason, normally, I don't have an issue with people finding my veins. Apparently, my nerves were so worked up that every time they touched my arm, my veins disappeared. So, they gave me a valium to relax me. After 5 attempts, my IV was in. Then they put the cute little hair net thing on me and wheeled me into the OR. I don't remember much, because they have me my sedative via IV almost immediately, and I was out. Upon waking, I only remember INTENSE pain and beginning to cry. They gave me some meds in my IV and I was out again for a bit. Then the doctor came in and spoke to me, thought I don't recall what he had to say, and I was free to go.

I had 24 hours of bed rest (of course, I was allowed up for food and bathroom breaks), which was really good. Today, I've been up a good bit. Got up and took the puppy to be neutered. By the time I got back however, I was miserable. Even though I'd taken my meds, I was very very tired and sickly feeling. I slept for a few hours, and got back up. Now I've played with my daughter, and eaten. We'll be going to pick up the puppy in a little while.

I've called the doctor's office twice to find out what he said. He was suppose to call me back yesterday, but didn't. I tried to call again today, but they'd already left for the day. I'll try again on Monday.

I feel much better knowing the surgery is over, and now we can move on a little. Of course, until we know exactly what he said, then we don't know exactly how successful the surgery was. I'm still suppose to take it easy for the next few days, of course. And if you know me, you know I'll milk this for all it's worth. I'll sleep as much as I can, and let hubby and his brother take care of me! LOL!

Thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. It means the world to me, and I'll never be able to express that enough.

Bless you all.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Additions

Now, I know it's been a while since I updated on our family.  Let me start with the Man of the House:

Hubs got rolled in his class, which is a good thing, it means more time with the language. He's doing better, and no longer has to go to study hall. He still does, of course. He's had some health issues that apparently resulted from anxiety and we're getting that under control as well. He's feeling more confident about the language and is more relaxed. He's continuing to be an amazing father and it makes me love them both even more to watch them play. She LOVES her Daddy, and he loves her.

She's getting so big. Just over two years old now, and the attitude of a preteen. She's a little diva. She loves her cartoons, and loves to dress up. Her words are getting clearer, and she's learning so many new ones. Potty training is going very slowly, but I'm not worried about it. She'll get there when she gets there. That's not to say I don't lose patience from time to time. She's getting more and more independent and has even started telling Mama to 'go away'. It breaks my heart, but I also know it's good. It's good for her to learn that, and to know how to let me know she wants her space.

We've added a fourth member to our family as well. We added a beautiful little boy in February. His name is Lupin, and he's a Husky - German Shepherd mix. He's probably one of the most beautiful, and most well behaved dogs I've ever met in my entire life. I have the privilege of having him in my home. Of course, the cat hates it, and has stayed upstairs since we brought his brother home. Eventually, they'll get over it. He adores the dog park and his lover, Micky (a friend's male boxer).

I'm getting better at this 'away from home' thing. I did get to visit home in December with little girl. I've got my routine here, and I like it. Of course, in a few months, it's all going to get disrupted again, but I think I like that. I am having fun with my Pure Romance, even if I don't make tons of money. It gets me out of the house, and lets me have a girl's night here and there. I'm finding more here in California than I thought I would.

At this point, we've got about a year left here, then it's on to TX for hubby (possibly us as well, just depends on the amount of time), then off to North Carolina, SoCal, or back to Hawaii. We'd prefer not to have the last one, but we'll be happy with anything we get. One is close to family, one has friends, and one will remain gorgeous even if I hate it. As long as we are all together and healthy, I don't care.

That's the update. Nothing big has happened (other than my upcoming surgery and his roll back), and everyone is healthy.

As always, God Bless.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fair Winds and Following Seas

So, I'm a military wife. Part of that, is picking up and following my husband wherever the military chooses to send him. That means leaving friends, favorite places, and sometimes jobs with sometimes a moment's notice. Well, I've only been the one leaving everyone else so far. Until now, that is. Last month, I got to experience the 'left behind' part for the first time.

After moving to California, it took a few misses before I found a best friend here. This girl - from Kentucky, so Southern and just like me in basically every way - butted right into my life and carved a spot in my heart for herself. My daughter fell madly in love with her. For the first time, my husband REALLY REALLY liked one of my friends to the point he claims her as HIS friend as well.

I never thought it could be harder than leaving my circle of friends. Well, I found out it can. It's worse to be stuck in a place you've come to love as much as you hate, without that one person that made it bearable. (Yes, I have a love/hate relationship with this place, we'll see which side of the coin it is when it's my time to leave.) This girl, she got me. And I mean, REALLY got me. She loved my kid almost as much as I do. She was there for me at a moment's notice (last minute ER trip with a puking 2 year old anyone?) and helped me in ways no one else could have. When she started talking about leaving, I didn't think I was going to be okay. I've never been the one left behind, after all.

I can't put into words what this girl means to me. How she's impacted my life. I'll never be able to put that into words, but she knows how much I love her. Driving away from her house after saying good bye to her was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. I almost just parked in her driveway and refused to let her leave. But that's childish, and her husband had orders. I couldn't keep them here if I wanted to.

Luckily, life goes on, and we have incredible technology. I can talk to her via facebook and Skype (if she'll ever find her stinking camera!) and it's almost like she never left. One day, we might end up at a base together. After all, the Marine Corps IS a dept of the Navy, right? ;)

So, (and I'm being cliche just to make her cringe), Fair Winds and Following Seas, my dear. I'll see you on the flip side.

Under The Knife

For the first time in my life, I'm having surgery. I'm 25, I've only ever had stitches once, when my daughter was born. I've also never broken a bone, had a concussion, anything. Now, I'm having surgery. It's minor. Three little cuts on my belly, but they're putting me completely under for it. I'm terrified. I can't get past that. I should be more worried about the results of the surgery.

Why am I having surgery you ask? It all started back in October when I had my IUD removed due to pain. The ER and my doctor said my cervix was inflamed and treated me with antibiotics. Nearly 6 months later, my cervix was still inflamed, so my doctor sent me for cryosurgery (where they freeze your cervix). This doctor looked around, felt around, and came back with a scarier diagnosis. Endometriosis. That's a scary word. No matter how you slice it, there's 'scar tissue' on/in/around my uterus and ovaries (possibly). Depending on the severity of it, I may need to get pregnant ASAP, rather than waiting the year and a half we'd planned on. Depending on the severity of it, I may not have that option.

Of course, my doctor could be able to treat this while he's in on Wednesday.

I'm terrified. Not just of the surgery, but of the diagnosis. I have faith in God and have been praying. I don't think it will be that bad. I'm just the type of person that has to think on the worst of it, prepare for that, so that I can cope if it IS that bad.

This post - is for me. For me to get the words out into text in a way that helps calm me a little. It's also for those concerned. I'll try to follow up after the surgery. I have to spend 24 hours flat in bed, on my back. Thanks to family, I have my brother in law out here to help me with little A. I should be fine a few days after the surgery, though.