Now, I know it's been a while since I updated on our family. Let me start with the Man of the House:
Hubs got rolled in his class, which is a good thing, it means more time with the language. He's doing better, and no longer has to go to study hall. He still does, of course. He's had some health issues that apparently resulted from anxiety and we're getting that under control as well. He's feeling more confident about the language and is more relaxed. He's continuing to be an amazing father and it makes me love them both even more to watch them play. She LOVES her Daddy, and he loves her.
She's getting so big. Just over two years old now, and the attitude of a preteen. She's a little diva. She loves her cartoons, and loves to dress up. Her words are getting clearer, and she's learning so many new ones. Potty training is going very slowly, but I'm not worried about it. She'll get there when she gets there. That's not to say I don't lose patience from time to time. She's getting more and more independent and has even started telling Mama to 'go away'. It breaks my heart, but I also know it's good. It's good for her to learn that, and to know how to let me know she wants her space.
We've added a fourth member to our family as well. We added a beautiful little boy in February. His name is Lupin, and he's a Husky - German Shepherd mix. He's probably one of the most beautiful, and most well behaved dogs I've ever met in my entire life. I have the privilege of having him in my home. Of course, the cat hates it, and has stayed upstairs since we brought his brother home. Eventually, they'll get over it. He adores the dog park and his lover, Micky (a friend's male boxer).
I'm getting better at this 'away from home' thing. I did get to visit home in December with little girl. I've got my routine here, and I like it. Of course, in a few months, it's all going to get disrupted again, but I think I like that. I am having fun with my Pure Romance, even if I don't make tons of money. It gets me out of the house, and lets me have a girl's night here and there. I'm finding more here in California than I thought I would.
At this point, we've got about a year left here, then it's on to TX for hubby (possibly us as well, just depends on the amount of time), then off to North Carolina, SoCal, or back to Hawaii. We'd prefer not to have the last one, but we'll be happy with anything we get. One is close to family, one has friends, and one will remain gorgeous even if I hate it. As long as we are all together and healthy, I don't care.
That's the update. Nothing big has happened (other than my upcoming surgery and his roll back), and everyone is healthy.
As always, God Bless.
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