Monday, January 21, 2013

Unhealthy Attachments

There are tons of new movies coming out every day. Most of them have very redundant themes at this point in the game. RomComs, dramas, horror flicks; they're pretty predictable. On occasion one comes along that is fairly original. If I haven't seen this storyline before, forgive me.

I just watched Ted. Now, this isn't really going to be a review of the movie, don't go thinking that. Rather, I'm about to talk about one of my 'seven things you don't know about me'. Some of you do know this, others don't.

I have a teddy bear. At one time in my life, I probably would have given an ovary for him to come to life and be my real life best friend. When I was a baby (literally), my grandmother happened to get me a Snuggle bear. Yeah, the one from the laundry detergent. His copyright date is 1986. Same as me. I've never been to more than a sleep over without this bear. I have had him my WHOLE LIFE. Even if he's not in the same room with me, he's been in the same house as me. I can't explain it, and it's crazy for an almost 27 year old woman, married with a kid, to have such an attachment to her bear, right? But here I am, after watching this movie, and I needed to hold my bear, have him next to me, in my arms.

When I met my husband and got ready to move to Hawaii with him, I packed all my stuff to take with me to go. His dad was shipping my things two weeks ahead of me. I put Snuggle in the box, taped it up, and immediately had one of the very few panic attacks I've ever had. I freaked. What if the box got lost? The postal service (including FedEx/UPS) loses THOUSANDS of parcels every single day! What if it got damaged, and he was harmed? I've taken such care of him my whole life. He had no tears, no rips, never lost an eye or nose. I had to call my mother and get her to talk me down. How did she do that? She convinced me that since I could take a 'pillow' on the plane with me, I should simply get the bear out of the box. I argued that I couldn't do that because he was already packed and the box was taped shut. She pointed out the obvious. I could tape the box back. So, I got him out of the box, and sat on the couch with him until I calmed down.

I don't understand it, and probably never will. But of all my 'worldly' possessions, this is the one that I would be most upset to lose. It's right up there with my pictures of my great grandfather. If I actually had time to save things other than important documents in a fire - the bear and the pictures of my great grandfather would be the first things I grabbed.

So, that's one more thing you may not have known about me. If you did - well, I hope you enjoyed reading anyway. 

Goodnight and God Bless.

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