Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beware of Dog

So, to update, I finally got to talk to my doctor about my surgery. He came and spoke to me while I was still waking up, and had no idea what he said. What he'd said was this: there were NO signs of endometriosis, my tubes are clear, and all is well. There were a few cysts on my ovaries, which like he said, can be normal. He lanced them anyway, though. He did find scar tissue near my appendix and small intestine, which he took care of. Now, just to finish recovering from the surgery itself, and when we are ready to have more children, there will be no problems!

On to other things. On a discussion board for pets out here, a lady was complaining because another lady with an aggressive dog was monopolizing the dog park. That's a no no anyway. However, something got brought up on the subject of if x dog bites enough times, most counties will put that animal down. Now, here's where I have an issue with that. Even if your dog isn't in the wrong (say, kids come into your back yard - that's his territory, and he has every right to defend it), it is still a mark against him. If a kid runs up to a dog to pet it, and he bites, still your dog's fault. If the kids come rushing into the dog park, and get bitten, still the dog's fault.

Here's my issue with that. I was taught my whole life how to greet dogs I don't know. I was taught you ask to pet the dog, while standing a respectful distance from said dog. You let the dog smell you first, then you move slowly, and can pet the dog. You don't go into other people's yards without permission period. You don't go in the dog park, because dogs aren't allowed on your playground. That's their playground, not yours. WTF? When did this lack of respect start happening?? Or am I just Southern and old fashioned?

I will not hesitate to go off on a kid for doing wrong. I don't care if they are my child or not. Open my back gate to get your ball instead of knocking on my front door and asking to get it? I will yell at you! Then I'll tell you why I yelled. Come up to my dog and try to pet him without asking? I will reprimand you. Then I'll make you greet him properly. Come running into the dog park? I will stop you, explain why you can't, and tell you if your parent comes and tells me it's okay, you can come play with the doggies. I will not have my beloved family pet put down because your parents are too dumb or socially impaired to teach you basic manners and respect.

Now, since I know most of my audience isn't the age group in the wrong, it's the parents that don't teach the correct behavior to begin with, nor do they correct it when they see it happen, I have some words for you. Your kid gets bit by my dog, I dare you to 'sue' me or press charges. Because then, we'll have real issues, friend. You want to get mad at me for 'parenting' your child? Do it yourself! I shouldn't have to! You as their parent should care enough about their safety to teach them the proper way to greet and interact with strange animals. If they get hurt because you didn't teach them that, that is not my fault, not my dog's fault, but yours!! Do not try and punish me and mine for your mistakes!!

Now, I know there are cases where dogs attack without any reason. I've been in that situation myself. A dog that lived down the street, always barked at us when we were on our bikes. He never left 'his' area though. Til the day he bit me. He left his yard, chased me, and got my leg. We also had neighbors with aggressive rotts that weren't kept on leashes. One of them attacked my dog who was on a lead outside, in the middle of the night. Came down the street to attack my dog... Of course, there are instances like those, where the dog should be punished. Don't confuse my words. But if the dog is not at fault, it's wrong to put 'marks' on his record that can cause him to be put down...

Bottom line? Teach your kids (and yourself) how to act around dogs you don't know. Be aware and be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Niaka,
    I'm glad you made this point parents should know right from wrong and teach their children but we know that in this day and age they have failed in this action greatly. Plus southern children are taught manners and respect from day one and if we got out of hand we were made to pay for it, and we learned not to do it again. so to all the parents with their heads up their butts teach your children manners and respect and you don't have to worry that someone else is doing your job.

