Saturday, July 2, 2011


Whew. It's been a while. I've been so busy trying to make a niche here in California for myself, that I've forgotten to write.

Little girl continues to grow and learn every day. She is getting so brave at the park and climbing things that make me hold my breath. She does, in fact, have ezcema, and it is getting better. It's been a long process, but it's looking better everyday. She has a kitten and loves him dearly, though she's quite rough with him.

The hubby is working his tush off to learn this language and pass school. I heard many people refer to this part of the schooling as 'deployment light' for a long time. I understand why. He's gone before I wake up, he gets home late most days. Some days he comes in for an hour or so before heading back to school for study hall, and is gone for another two hours or more. Plus two hours on Saturdays. It's difficult, and I know it doensn't truly compare to a deployment, but it is certainly a lot of alone time.

On a personal note, I'm now selling Pure Romance and it is SO much fun. It's stressful as well, but very fun. I'm making a few friends out here and there are two ladies in particular whom I am growing to love as sisters. I've put on a little 'happy weight' since being here and while it's not very much, on my short frame, it doesn't look good. So, Hubby and I are going to do P90X. I'll certainly let you know how that goes.

I've realized that my homesickness is no longer restricted to 'home' but also to Hawaii and the friends we left there. At least one of them will be moving close to us in August and I'm planning to go down and visit them. I have a trip planned to go and see my Aunt get married in September. My sister is going to come and visit and go to the wedding with me.

I have a lot of thoughts tumbling about, but it's time to get dinner to my wonderful husband who has duty today. :)

Good Evening and God Bless.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hotel California

Well, as you may or may not be aware, the Reed family has moved. We relocated from Hawaii to California as part of being a military family. We are now in our new home with all of our belongings around us. It was a fun and eventful trip, as we took some time to visit our family.

One thing I learned on our visit home, is that no matter what anyone says, you can never truly go home again. I love my family and my friends more than anything. But 'home' is relative now. It isn't a place so much as who I'm with. The place I grew up, doesn't feel like home anymore. I love to go and visit and see everyone. It's just...I know that there is a 90% chance, I won't ever live there again. That seems insane to me while at the same time making perfect sense. It seems strange that I will never again live in the place I spent 22 years of my life. That I won't live in the place where my family is, where I grew up is an alien thought. But on the flip side of that is the knowledge that it would never be the same. I've been too far away for too long to ever settle for such a small place. I know where we are talking of possibly settling down. I also know that in the next 15 years, that could change as well. All of this is very emotional for me. I have VERY strong family ties. But knowing that every 2-3 years for the next 15 means moving, and that in the end we will be far from 'home', is exciting to me.

I feel as if I am rambling, because there are so many different and even conflicting thoughts on this subject just rolling through my head. It's a case of not being able to explain it to myself much less anyone else. I'm sure other military wives will  know what I mean, even if they don't understand it.

As far as California, it is beautiful here. Again, we are near a beach. I feel as if that is God telling me daily that I am on the right path. I feel a call in the ocean that is also inexplicable. But I do know that I love being near it, and will miss it dearly the day we aren't close by a beach. There's something pure and free about the ocean and I feel that is why I feel such a strong pull to always be near it. I fell in love, and deeply, at the age of 13 and have never lost that love of the ocean.

Our daughter is now just over a year old. She's walking and talking. She loves to 'talk' on the cell phone, and often steals mine to do so. I think she has exema, which we will find out at her appointment at the end of the month. She is extremely smart and always surprising me with what she picks up. She is such a blessing every single day and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

For those of you reading this all the way through, thank you for listening to my rambling yet again.

Good Afternoon and God Bless

Sunday, January 16, 2011

But for the Grace of God

While we were talking with some friends last night, I realized a few things. First, that I hadn't a clue how many times he'd deployed or how close to not being here he'd come. I've known for some time that I am getting spoiled. I've had my husband with me for over two years. We've never been apart for more than two months at a time. I'm going to get to keep him with me for another two years. By the time he deploys for the very first time, our daughter will be 3, we will have been married for over 4 years, and I won't know what to do with myself.

That being said, I know I can handle it. I'm a big girl. I am a Marine Wife. While some say that 'you married into this life, don't complain about things you knew would happen', it IS hard. I knew when I married him that there would be times apart. I knew that I would have to adjust to being away from my family and everyone I knew. I knew I'd have to adjust to moves. That doesn't make it any easier. The knowing and the reality are two different things. There are women who can't handle this life. It does take a special breed of woman to be a military wife. Some can't even handle the thought of their husband being away for a few weeks at a time, much less months at a time. I know it's going to be hard and I certainly don't look forward to it, but I know I can handle it.

As I told my husband, no matter how much it hurts to let him go, and no matter how much I'll be worried about him every minute he's gone, I wouldn't trade this life for anything. I wouldn't trade being his wife and being apart for a deployment, for being someone else's and having them there always. There is NOTHING that could make me change my mind about our life. I love every minute. I am so very very blessed to have my husband. I love him more than I ever could have imagined.

The life of a military wife is not easy. It is not always fun. It's full of moves, deployments, goodbyes, making new friends every few years, and missing someone at nearly every turn in life. But it's also fun, crazy, exciting, challenging, and amazing. I love my life. I love my  husband. I love my family. :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

OH NO!!! I'm NOT a Gemini??? Oh wait, yes I am...

So, Everyone has been all abuzz the past two days about the '13th constellation and how it affects you'. Guess what? IF you are Westerner, it doesn't affect you. Why? because OUR Zodiac isn't actually based on the constellatins. Rather, it's based on seasons. Two equinoxes which are ALWAYS the start of two Zodiac signs. Guess what that means? If you were born as "Gemini" you are still a Gemini, no matter what some CRACK out there says.

Granted, what this guy has said is true. It's been known for a really long time, and IS NOT NEWS!! It's just someone trying to make a name for themself by messing with people's emotions. In fact, I didn't know so many of my friends actually identified so heavily with their sign until yesterday. I've always believed there are certain parts of it that are dead on, but I don't live my life by my horoscope.

The news articles telling everyone that this is nothing new, don't rush out and have your tattoo of the twins removed, aren't being seen. Everyone's too ready to be up in arms and say "I was BORN a Gemini and I'll always be one, no crack pot can tell me what I am." Well, guys, you are half right.

Everyone just chill. Sit back, read the same hororscope you've been reading all your life, and drink your coffee. Shhh. It's okay. We will all live.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


As most of you know, I have a lively one year old. She's the light of my life and I LOVE being a Mom. For those of you that have known me for some time, you know this has always been something I knew I wanted from life.

That being said, it is probably the most challenging thing I have ever done in my life. From day one, she did NOT like to sleep in her bassinet/crib/pack-n-play. No, if she wasn't in my arms, it was an immediate scream fest. Well, nowadays, she is learning to sleep in her crib and that has been such a blessing. I was reluctant at first because I love her cuddles at night, and waking up with her in the morning. But being able to cuddle with my husband again has been nothing short of amazing.

She's also teething. She's had 2 teeth for some time, and those were a breeze. Then she had two more cut, and we didn't even KNOW until they were through the gums. At that time, we noticed 3 more trying to cut. That was 3 weeks ago. The first of those three FINALLY cut through all the way today. It's been a long three weeks due to this. I'm glad it's finally coming to an end.

I'm so proud of her and amazed at her more and more every day. Every little thing she does is just amazing to me. I can't get enough of her laughs. She dances and walks and talks. I took her to have her one year check up yesterday and her doctor just seemed AMAZED at her as well.

I'm loving this adventure we are on of being parents. I am so lucky to have this little family. :D

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Interesting Thoughts

So, I just looked to see if anyone was even reading this, and you guys ARE. Wow. I'm fairly impressed. I really didn't think anyone would read it. Thank you for showing an interest. If anyone has any topics for me to discuss, feel free to comment and let me know, or send me an email.

I had two couples over for dinner last night, and while one couple had to leave early due to a baby who wasn't back on Hawaii time, the other couple stayed pretty late into the night. We were sitting around talking, discussing politics, religion, etc. I LOVE those types of discussions. One point that was brought forward is that the Bible was originally compiled by Constantine, and that there were books and manuscripts which he said "Nope, doesn't belong." And the fact that yes, God told Man what to write, but does that mean that man put the EXACT wording on paper? Not to mention the NUMEROUS translations over the centuries. But we still have people that swear by the Bible.

I don't attend church. Not because I don't believe in and love God, but because to me, church is where two or more are gathered in His name. After all, isn't that what the Bible tells us? I never read in the Bible that you had to go to a building and worship in a structured manner. We had 'church' on my back patio last night, by the Bible's definition. I love it. I can worship God through my words on paper, whether they are about Him or not, because it is filling my soul to put words on paper (or in text as the case may be) and lay out what I'm thinking and feeling.

I don't want to go deep into my personal beliefs. I am Christian and believe in God and that's all you really need to know. If you want to know more, get in touch. We can have church too. :)

On a side note, today is Elvis, my grandmother, and my uncle's birthdays. Happy Birthday to all of them.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Well, I didn't think to write again so soon, yet I find my mind overflowing. Yesterday while talking with my aunt, I found out that my cousin's apartment building had had a fire. Hers was not damaged and all was fine. This morning however, I find out that the fire restarted and now her apartment is affected. She can save some things, but know one knows how much at this point. Luckily she was at work when this happened, because her boss was letting her get some extra hours. But for the grace of God go I. She could have been home. She could have been asleep in bed. She might not be here this morning. I want to call her boss and thank him or her for letting her stay late, because it likely saved her life.

I also have to give thanks to the friend who gave me the idea to start this blog. Without her, you wouldn't be reading my words (if anyone is anyway).

I guess I could tell you a little about myself, as simply a paragraph seems...sloppy. I am a grown woman. I am married and have a child. I am a sister, daughter, neice, 'aunt', granddaughter, great granddaughter, daughter in law, sister in law, and most importantly, I am not defined by those titles. I am me. I love to laugh at stupid stuff, I love to play with my daughter. I enjoy going for a walk on the beach, though it isn't nearly as romantic as it sounds. I am an animal lover. If I picked one animal, I'd be betraying the others I love. I am a reader of many books. I play WoW. I am fast to love and fast to anger. I hold a grudge, even if I don't act like it. My family is my core. Without them, I wouldn't be here. I mean that literally and figuratively. My sister is my best friend (after my husband). My daughter lights up my life. I love watching her grow and learn everyday. She's just now starting to put words together, and it's absolutely amazing to me. I cannot believe how unbelievably lucky I have been in my life. I have known a great man, and lost him. I may talk about him in a later post, as he means the world to me still. I am no stranger to loss. I first experienced death at 5 years old. I look to the past for memories, to know where I came from and how I got here. I do not live in, nor do I long for, the past. I simply celebrate it, for it is who we were. I love history. I love to learn. Once I learn something, I love to share it with others.

I think I will leave off for now. Thank you for reading.

Good day and God Bless.

Unanswered Prayer

So, I decided to start a blog at long last. This comes after much debate and realizing I didn't really have an outlet for my thoughts that I need. It also comes as I realized I needed to get back to writing. Part of what promted me to finally do this was a coversation with a long lost friend.

If this friend reads this, and knows who they are...know that you have re-inspired me as you did once upon a time. :)

I have come to realize how truly blessed I am. I have seen so many friends lately go through crappy relationships, have heart break a near constant companion, and search in vain for 'the One'. I feel so lucky to have found the person I was meant to be with. He is my best friend, my lover, and father to my child. I could not ask for a better man. Which brings me to my topic.

I have dated several people in my life. I am one who falls in love quickly, easily, and whole-heartedly. I do not believe in holding back in love. One such person who I fell for very quickly, wasn't ready for a relationship. He was still in a party boy stage, and who could have blamed him? A young Marine about to leave for deployment, it's only natural. So, I sat by the phone, and answered his calls and talked to him every minute I could. I waited breathlessly for the day he'd come home to me. I knew there was no certainty we'd be together, but I did hope for it. I wrote him letters, and checked the mail every day in hopes of one from him. When he did come home, he came to see me that night. I took it as a good sign. However, I was foolish. He and I never dated, but remained friends. He taught me a lot in those few months about love, and waiting on something that was worth it. Shortly after he came home, I met the man I now call "Husband". Thanks to that friend, I was prepared to marry a Marine, someone who would be away for long periods of time. Thanks to that friend, I was able to give my heart willingly to this man, knowing all it would mean for me.

After our talk tonight, I went to find those letters he wrote me. He wants to know what's in them. I know. I've always remembered. I read them so many many times that year. I may tell him. I may not. I probably will. They are his words after all. I just wonder if in the end, he will see it like I do. A lonely boy in another country, simply reaching for the comfort he knew he would find from me. Or, if he really felt the things he said. I'll never know. But I know that he saved me in a way that he will never truly know. For that, I thank God for Unanswered Prayers.

Good night and God Bless.